About Us
Who are Hoylake Beach Community?
We are a friendly group of unpaid volunteer residents who are passionate about Hoylake and the community. Our priority is the mental health and well being of our community.
We are fully appreciative of the need to respect birds, beasts and plants. We want to share Hoylake beach, and will actively work towards finding a harmonious compromise to accommodate all.
“Hoylake beach has been much loved for the community for over 100 years and the majority of the community have passion for its restoration. Hoylake Beach Community understand the environmental changes happening globally and that we all have a part to play to reduce CO2 emissions and global warming.
Our hope is for a section of the beach to be restored to sand so that residents from across Wirral and beyond can utilise it for recreation and health and well-being purposes.
We are asking for a common sense approach for ALL; wildlife, nature & people. The half mile stretch* of amenity beach we would like equates to less than 1% compared to the Wirral shoreline conservation area. There really has to be a balance of human and environmental needs.
We are in a position to have a holistic view over the situation developing in Hoylake and can see that compromise is the best way forward for all.
The strength of support recently has been incredible, the petition for an amenity beach increased by c.1,500 signatures in approx. 4 weeks as a direct result of a newsletter delivered to addresses in the vicinity, and currently sits at 13,140 signatures.
We are working hard to try and open a two way dialogue with the council’s decision makers, which to date has unfortunately been unsuccessful.”