Open Day - 22nd Sept
Beach Party - 12th Oct
Open Day: Sunday 22 September, 11am to 4pm
at Melrose Hall, Hoylake.
For our supporters, and their likeminded family, friends and neighbours.
Come and meet some of the HBC team who will try to answer any questions over complimentary tea, coffee and biccies.
There will also be a bake sale (please donate a shop bought cake rather than home made; this is so we can be considerate of people with allergies).
Super talented Poppy will be these selling her very popular "Save Our Beach" bracelets.
Beach Party tickets will be available for purchase at £10 each.
This event takes place on Friday 12th October at Hoylake Rugby Club.
If you would like to make a donation by cash or cheque to our TVG Appeal, you can get your receipt at our Open Day.
We look forward to seeing you there.

After the beach consultation in March 2024, the majority of people voted to restore a section of sandy beach known as "option 2". The Environment, Climate Emergency & Transport Committee of Wirral Borough Council (WBC) also voted in favour of option 2 at the April 15th meeting.
However, despite this, the beach has still not yet been restored to sand and the vegetation removed.
The delay in clearing the beach Option 2 is because WBC officials are now negotiating with Natural England (NE) for their assent to be given to clear it. It has been suggested that it could take until 2025 for this assent to be given. HBC wants this matter expedited rather than having to wait another year without being able to access the local beach. This would be an additional 12 months from the public vote!!
An independent legal challenge against WBC has already been taken, this was by a member of the local community and funded by other local people not HBC. Moving forward HBC will now oversee both the Town Village Green (TVG) for Hoylake beach and any other potential legal action needed. To do this we need to fund raise and this is where we need your help.
Town Village Green Application (TVG) for Hoylake Beach:
In December 2023 an application for “Village Green Status” for Hoylake was made to WBC who are the landowners of the beach. This was done by a resident and with the help of HBC. HBC are now pressing ahead with the TVG. The TVG designation will ensure that the beach remains a space for people to enjoy forever. Legal representation is needed to secure this status and get the beach back. The Village Green application will include the beach from Kings Gap to the new RNLI station.
We are now seeking your financial support to be able to continue with this vital work, any contribution is very important, so thank you in advance. Your donations will make a significant difference in ensuring the successful restoration of the beach and securing its future as an open communal space for leisure and recreation, this is the moment we need to get this secured.
If you are able to donate, simply scan the QR code below OR make a bank transfer to HSBC Bank account;
Sort code: 40-17-14 Account number: 52809842 Reference as "TVGreen".
Cheques: payable to ‘Love Hoylake Beach’, on the reverse write TVGreen, Sort Code 40-17-14 Acc No 52809842.
For receipts, you need to attend a drop-in information session at Melrose Hall (dates to be announced). Cash donations can be donated at these sessions, receipts will be given.
Your support means a lot to us. Thank you, Hoylake Beach Community Committee

Hoylake Beach: as it was and as it should be now.
This is what you call a beach, people enjoying an inexpensive day out, family time, fresh air & exercise. Just look at the beautiful golden sand. This is why we MUST keep campaigning for an amenity beach at Hoylake. (June 2016).

Blogs & Articles

Video by Zedsy
Excellent video by Zedsy, which shows what has happened to Hoylake Beach. WBC and Councillor Liz Grey have ruined what was once a beautiful, sandy beach which the community and beyond used for recreation and relaxation. Now we have no place to go.
A small group of loud voiced locals wrongly believe their Pied Piper that sand dunes will form - there has been no evidence in the past 3 years that this is happening.
What is being created is a salt marsh, which the Wirral has all along the West coast, and a proven problem for residents in that area for mosquitos (you only have to google it).
Why won't WBC and Liz Grey allow from Kings Gap to the new RNLI station to be returned to sand? Whats the real issue? Its not the beach at all, its a political football as was proven at the last council meeting.

Drone footage from May 2022.
Video shows how the growth of the grass has spread along the length of North Parade and towards Red Rocks and heading further out to sea. You can clearly see how the foreshore changes to clay / mudflats the further out to sea you go. If left to continue the grass will continue to eat away at any remaining sand. Hoylake beach is turning into a salt marsh, which brings with it many negative implications.
Wirral Borough Council should have conducted a public consultation and consulted experts prior to ceasing maintenance. Residents have been left with an unusable space that can no longer be enjoyed for leisure and recreation activities. And its this, that is seriously impacting locals mental and physical health, especially at a time when its needed. People are worrying about the economy and many other global issues. The beach, our safe, happy place, where we can escape pain and bring evidence based relief from stress, where we went throughout Covid lockdowns is being destroyed. Please help us continue our fight to save out beach.
With these gorgeous bags for life.
High quality, stylish and practical, they are practical to carry with the long shoulder straps. And bonus, you are helping to advertise the cause as you go about your day.
Available from Fahys Bakery and The Potting Shed, both located on Market Street, Hoylake, for just £8. All proceeds go back into our fund to help pay for newsletters, hosting of the website etc.

For the restoration of a sandy amenity beach from Kings Gap to the new RNLI station.
Our hope is for a section of the beach to be restored to sand so that residents from across Wirral and beyond can utilise it for recreation and health and well-being purposes.
We are asking for a common sense approach for ALL; wildlife, nature & people. The half mile stretch* of amenity beach we would like equates to less than 1% compared to the Wirral shoreline conservation area. There really has to be a balance of human and environmental needs.

How You Can Support Hoylake Beach Community