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Did we have a salt marsh for a beach in the 70’s and nobody noticed!?!

Unfortunately the Wirral Globe printed some false information earlier this week. The reporter, misled by the source, stated that Hoylake Beach was a salt marsh.

One quick visit to the Facebook group 'Wirral in Old Photographs' shows the undeniably strong response from people who have fond memories of the beach being a beautiful sandy location and NOT a salt marsh. Globe Article Click Here.

THE EVIDENCE: Here are just some of the photographs people couldn't wait to share with us to refute this lie.

Beautiful, wasn't it... a perfect location for a hot sunny day like we have been experiencing recently. Especially more important now as the cost of living crisis prevents families travelling abroad or even affording local days out.

In contrast, below are images taken this week... hardly anyone on the beach in comparison. And those who are, are squeezing into the last remains of sand around the end of the developing salt marsh. So sad.

Above: Sitting on the sandy slipway for a bit of beach life!!

While in New Brighton yesterday, look at the visitors... watch here

It was fantastic one of our spokespeople explained in article the importance of Hoylake Beach for the local community. Hoylake does NOT have any sizeable outdoor space for relaxation and recreation. The beach is Hoylake's only space for this.

Yes, ok there is Grove Park but it is mainly concrete. It does NOT have the space to allow runners, dog walkers, 'picnickers', kids to play ball games etc to co-exist without bumping into each other, because it is so small - Hoylake people need their amenity beach. Local children deserve to have space to run free.

Birkenhead has Birkenhead Park, New Brighton has a beautiful raked beach AND Vale Park, West Kirby has Ashton Park and again a beach... its not a lot to ask for our amenity beach* to be reinstated.

Heres a reminder of what we could all be doing today but unable to!


:: Hoylake Beach Community, is a voluntary group who have been asking WBC for a compromise that will suit all. Our hope is for a section* of the beach to be restored to sand so that residents from across Wirral and beyond can utilise it for recreation and health and well-being purposes.

We are asking for a common sense approach for ALL; wildlife, nature & people. The half mile stretch* of amenity beach we would like equates to less than 1% compared to the Wirral shoreline conservation area. There really has to be a balance of human and environmental needs.

Hoylake Beach Community are not affiliated with any other group. HBC only use two forms of online communication. This website and a Facebook group which anyone is welcome to request to join. Search Hoylake Beach Community. HBC do not use any other social media.

*We are not asking for the whole beach, our compromise is just for the section that runs alongside North Parade from Kings Gap to the RNLI station, with the rest being left to the grasses. We do not support chemicals, only raking.

SIGN the petition Click Here

DONATE Justgiving account which allows us to continue Click Here

SHARE help our cause by sharing on social media - links below.

WRITE email / write to non- supporting councillors, Lib Dem, Green and

Independent Councillors. Councillor contact details on the below link:

Thank you! Remember, genuine supporters of a compromise for Hoylake Beach to be restored to sand should join our Facebook group. Search: Hoylake Beach Community.

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