Video below shows the 10.1m high tide from 22nd March this year on North Parade, Hoylake. It clearly shows the tide reaching the promenade wall, with only a light SW breeze behind it.
The rising levels of vegetation is providing a perfect ramp for the tide to glide up and over the promenade wall.
The Victorians knew engineering and built the wall with return, unfortunately as the height of the vegetation has increased most of the curve is buried.
The video below explains extremely well how a 'ramp' (in our case the vegetation) won't help with flooding. The existing Victorian wall is the best solution with no expensive costs.
We urge decision makers to look at their own expensively commissioned Royal Haskoning report. It predicts the vegetation will become more dense and spread for half a mile out to sea, and not 80m as some will try to have you believe. The vegetation will spread to Meols.
Questions Wirral Council should be answering;
How will the lifeboat and hovercraft be able to function when its enclosed with spartina and vegetation?
We know already from our close links with the crew, that the large clumps of spartina are delaying response times to incidents. It is also endangering the crew who have to manoeuvre around these as they travel at pace to situations. Instead of the quick A to B they now have to move carefully to avoid crashing which adds unnecessary time to reach distressed people.
2. Where will the waders go to roost at high tide? The graph from the councils
Royal Haskoning report below shows the tide will still reach the promenade through the vegetation as it does now at Parkgate.
It appears the council are sticking their head in the sand and continue to use the beach as a political football, because there isn't any sound reason for the decisions being made. Especially the mental and physical health on residents, that we have touched on before - See article here on the benefits of a sandy beach.
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: Hoylake Beach Community, is a voluntary group who have been asking WBC for a compromise that will suit all. Our hope is for a section* of the beach to be restored to sand so that residents from across Wirral and beyond can utilise it for recreation and health and well-being purposes.We are asking for a common sense approach for ALL; wildlife, nature & people. The half mile stretch* of amenity beach we would like equates to less than 1% compared to the Wirral shoreline conservation area. There really has to be a balance of human and environmental needs.Hoylake Beach Community are not affiliated with any other group. HBC only use two forms of online communication. This website and a Facebook group which anyone is welcome to request to join. Search Hoylake Beach Community. HBC do not use any other social media. *We are not asking for the whole beach, our compromise is just for the section that runs alongside North Parade from Kings Gap to the RNLI station, with the rest being left to the grasses. We do not support chemicals, only raking.
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WRITE email / write to non- supporting councillors, Lib Dem, Green and Independent Councillors. Councillor contact details on the below link:
Thank you!
Remember, genuine supporters of a compromise for Hoylake Beach to be restored to sand should join our Facebook group. Search: Hoylake Beach Community.