Councillor Grey (Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee - aka ultimate decision maker on the future of Hoylake beach) wrote to a local resident in June 2020 confirming that she and her family visited Hoylake beach several times a week throughout the lockdown period. Further on, she details the variety of activities people were using the amenity beach for. (See below image of actual email) .
More importantly, Councillor Grey admits the need for the amenity beach and would like to see a compromise.
Further to this email, we would like to present the fact that Councillor Grey is in fact able to contact Natural England* NOW to negotiate and request the return of a section of Hoylake beach back to an amenity area.
The Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee DOES have the authority to do this TODAY, and does not have to wait until the end of the study which will be December 2021, or until the end of final consultation period in April 2023.
If left until the aforementioned dates, the spread of Spartina and salt marsh expansion will make it harder to return the beach back to sand.
We don’t wish to imply that the council are leaving the beach until it becomes irreparable, in fact Councillor Grey has confirmed on record that they will be able to return the beach to a sandy amenity area post study, if decided upon.
Given the correspondence below and original offers of compromise, and the precedent set by North East Lincolnshire Council, who successfully consulted with Natural England to maintain a stretch of sandy beach in Cleethorpes combined with the wilding green beach. (Click to article)
Hoylake Beach Community are asking for a common sense approach for ALL.
This stretch of amenity beach equates to less than 1% compared to the whole Wirral shore conservation area.
Full community consultation will show that the MAJORITY of people in Hoylake and Meols would accept a compromise of the section of beach from the RNLI station to Kings Gap to be returned to sand.
There is only a very small but extremely vocal group of people who want grass to grow on this area of the beach.
If you would like to help get your beach back, please write to Councillor Grey and express your views as soon as possible.
NOTE: The current petition s being put to the WBC Full Council Meeting tonight (18/10/21).
Email :
*Government body in charge of the beach.

1. Please sign our petition Click Here You do not need to donate money to sign.
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Thank you!